XAVI REIJA-The Sound Of The Earth 3

XAVI REIJA – The Sound Of The Earth

extraordinaire Catalan drummer’s
“The Sound Of The Earth”
by MoonJune

XAVI REIJA-The Sound Of The  Earth 3

TONY LEVIN bass guitar, upright bas, stick
MARKUS REUTER touch guitar

“The Sound of the Earth I” brings to mind David Sylvian’s post-Japan near ambient instrumental excursions where space and pause became as integral to the “composition as place” as his trusty Prophet 5. Once this world is created, and with a decidedly Beckian vibe (Jeff, that is), Dusan wrings from the neck of his guitar, some of the most emotive broken phrases and edited soulful voicings.



Mike Portnoy – Power Drunk Majesty

Mike Portnoy Discusses Drumming On
“Volume II – Power Drunk Majesty”


METAL ALLEGIANCE began as a celebration of heavy metal, powered by the almost tribal bond shared between the extreme music community‘s most revered trailblazers, armed with a list of contributors onstage (and off) that read like a Wikipedia entry on the genre itself. Their upcoming, sophomore album, »Volume II – Power Drunk Majesty«, will be released via Nuclear Blast Entertainment on September 7th, 2018.


AldoMAzza ItalianTour2018 s

Aldo Mazza Italian clinic tour 2018

Aldo Mazza Italian clinic tour 2018

AldoMAzza ItalianTour2018 s

Aldo Mazza non ha bisogno di presentazioni e la sua tecnica percussiva ha fatto il giro del mondo grazie al suo costante impegno verso la didattica. L’artista italo-canadese ci ha fornito le prime date confermate (rimanete connessi per aggiornamenti delle ultime ore) che lo vedrà impegnato nei seguenti giorni: 


Time- Functional-Coordination DeiLazzaretti

Time & Fundional Coordination

Time & Fundional Coordination
Maurizio Dei Lazzaretti

Time- Functional-Coordination DeiLazzaretti

Time & Functional Coordination, l’ennesimo libro carico di passione del batterista salentino noto per le sue esibizioni con l’orchestra del Festival di Sanremo dal 2001, collaboratore dei più importanti artisti italiani, ma altrettanto passionario nelle lezioni private nel suo studio.


Sabian Quiet Tone Practice cymbals 1

Sabian Quiet Tone Practice cymbals

Sabian Quiet Tone Practice cymbals

Sabian Quiet Tone Practice cymbals 1

Dalla superficie forata e dal feel, risposta e definizione della campana tipica dei piatti tradizionali, i piatti della casa canadese sono stati pensati per le session che necessitano di volumi bassi. Look “tradizionale” sia nella forma, nelle dimensioni e nel colore, la presenza stessa di una campana dalle dimensioni reali offre un feel davvero tipico, familiare oserei dire, dei piatti classici.


PorterDavies BC-X

Porter & Davies new BC-X

Porter & Davies Launch BC-X

Their Ultimate Stripped Down Tactile Monitor

PorterDavies BC-X

Porter & Davies, world renowned for their tactile monitoring systems are delighted to announce the launch of the new BC-X, a super-mini version of their highly sought after BC2 and BC Gigster. This new, pint-sized version comes with simplified professional standard features and a price as streamlined as its size.
