All Access To Aquiles Priester’s Drumming

Drummer Aquiles Priester has just released the first official teaser for his new DVD and Blu-ray, “All Access To Aquiles Priester’s Drumming”.

Recorded in the studios of the Harman Experience Center in Los Angeles, CA, in August 2018 “All Access to Aquiles Priester’s Drumming” brings, besides the institutional lesson, themes that the drummer registered on Hangar’s last album, “Stronger than Ever”, tracks from the three albums he recorded with Noturnall and the two new compositions by Edu Falaschi executed by the same musicians of his solo tour “Rebirth of Shadows Tour”. It was shot by Foggy Films with 12 cameras, designed by producers Junior Carelli and Rudge Campos, in partnership with Adair Daufembach, who took care of the recording, mixing and mastering.

Iacopo Volpini e Roberto Porta vincono l’IDM The Project

Iacopo Volpini e Roberto Porta sono i vincitori del Contest IDM The Project, il contest ideato da Luca Deorsola e Riccardo Ruiu e organizzato dalla FBT con i marchi Sabian e DS Drum.

Svoltosi a domenica 17 marzo a Recanati, l’evento ha avuto un gosso successo anche mediatico grazie anche alla presenza di una giuria d’eccezione composta da Luca Deorsola (DS Drum), Enrico Matta (Subsonica), Phil Mer (Pino Daniele, Renga e altri), Gianluca Capitani (Steve Vai, Nada e altri), Diego Corradin (Fiorella Mannoia, Raf, e altri), Christian Koch (International Artist Relation and Account Manager Sabian Europe), Riccardo Ruiu (Dear Jack).

Finding the Groove

Finding the Groove
Jeremy Steinkoler shares his insights and wisdom from over 30 years of performing, recording, and teaching private lessons and rock band workshops.

In Finding the Groove, veteran drummer and educator Jeremy Steinkoler shares his insights and wisdom from over 30 years of performing, recording, and teaching private lessons and rock band workshops.

Sabian David Garibaldi HH 21’’ limited edition

Per celebrare il 50° anniversario di Tower of Power e l’uscita del loro 16° album “The Soul Side of Town Vol. 1″, Sabian ha prodotto una edizione speciale a tiratura limitata del piatto HH da 21” chiamato The Soul Side Ride. Solo 250 pezzi di questo meraviglioso “The Soul Side Ride” saranno disponibili in tutto il mondo e solo 5 sono rimasti in Italia grazie alla FBT! Prendi il tuo ora prima che si esauriscano!