Pearl Masters-BCX-Series

Musikmesse 2014 – Pearl BCX Birch Masters Series

Musikmesse 2014 – Pearl BCX Birch Masters Series

Pearl Masters-BCX-Series

Il 2014 è un anno importante che introduce una miriade di nuovi prodotti già presentati a gennaio al NAMM Winter Show. Tra le novità troviamo i rullanti Sensitone recentemente riprogettati, le nuove BCX Birch Masters Series, i nuovi rullanti Talk Specific Free Floating, diversi nuovi Cajons, la nuova linea di rullanti Hybrid Exotic e tanti altri prodotti!


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Musikmesse 2014

Musikmesse – the next meeting place for the musical instrument industry in March 2014, a month earlier than usual

Complementary programme with established and new highlights

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The preparations for Musikmesse, International Trade Fair for Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Production and Music Business Connections, are already in full swing because the world’s biggest trade fair for the musical instrument sector will be held a month earlier than usual, from 12 to 15 March 2014. On show will be more than 30,000 musical instruments, from small bells to imposing grand pianos, as well as a vast range of accessories and everything revolving around the subject of music marketing and services for musical instruments and sheet music.
