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Zildjian Z-Club 2016 Competition

Win an A Avedis 20” Ride Cymbal
with the Zildjian Z-Club 2016 Competition

Sign up for the new & improved Zildjian Z-Club between now and September 30, 2016 and be entered to win one of three A Avedis 20” Ride Cymbals! 

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Best of all, you don’t need to be a US resident to be eligible to win. Z-Club is open to everyone world-wide!



Zildjian GEN16 AE – E-cymbals

Zildjian GEN16 AE – E-cymbals


The AE system consists of a set of real cymbals that have been altered so that they make very little acoustic sound on their own. When played, their sound is picked up by special microphone sensors and processed electronically, essentially turning acoustic cymbals into electronic instruments.

The Zildjian Gen16 A/E System utilizes the Buffed Bronze cymbals with their volume-reducing hole pattern, a Direct Source Pickup and a Digital Cymbal Processor (DCP) to bring new experiences to the world of hybrid/e-drumming. This innovative system provides the ability to shape acoustic cymbal tones and apply DSP effects such as EQ/Filtering/Pitch Shifting to create new textures not commonly available in traditional acoustic cymbals. This is done without any worry of feedback, crosstalk or phasing that can occur with traditional microphone setups.

Unlike cymbal trigger pads, Zildjian Buffed Bronze cymbals may be played with sticks, rods or mallets. They can be brushed and choked like traditional cymbals because they are real cymbals.



Phoenix Drum Lamborghini Orange pearl Bonzo Kit

Phoenix Drum Lamborghini Orange pearl Bonzo Kit

The Phoenix Drum Company was founded in 2011 by Philip Gelb, a drummer who wanted an instrument designed for better sound combined with outstanding aesthetic design. Philip also wanted to have the option to add upgrades to the instrument above the basic model, just as one would do for a luxury vehicle. Philip created the company to offer drummers greater artistic expression and product personalization because Philip believes that “A drum set is the body where the soul of the drummer resides and it deserves a luxury estate, not a fixer upper.”



Pearl Centigrade Cajon

Pearl Centigrade Cajon


This cajon is designed for maximum player comfort. The cajon’s unique design features a front faceplate with 100 degrees of angle which allows the player to sit with proper posture and reduces stress on the lower back.

The cajon’s fiberglass shell is finished in an exquisite Mango Cherry Burst finish and features a blended Asiatic hardwood faceplate which provides a crisp, articulate voice with remarkable projection. The CentiGRADE Cajon features a molded rear-side bass port that creates a deep inner resonance chamber, funneling bass tones to provide an amazingly resonate bass sonority.



Drummer Of Tomorrow Italy 2016

Drummer Of Tomorrow Italy 2016


Con l’edizione del 2016 del concorso “Drummer of Tomorrow Italy 2016”, Mapex® e M.Casale Bauer s.p.a, proseguono nel proprio impegno di espansione e supporto del programma formativo di giovani musicisti e incoraggiano la ricerca di nuovi talenti. Potendo contare sull’esperienza maturata in tanti anni di proficua collaborazione e sulle precedenti esperienze dello stesso concorso (l’ultima edizione è del 2014), Mapex® e M.Casale Bauer s.p.a confermano questo evento di livello assoluto nella scena dei batteristi Italiani.


ukko pack

Microfoni UKKO

Sergio Pescara
i microfoni a trasduttore

ukko pack

La serie B-Band Ukko rappresenta la soluzione ideale per amplificare un set di batteria. Ogni modello è composto da un trasduttore brevettato UKKO DST (Drum Shell Transducer) e da un preamplificatore ottimizzato per rullante, tom o grancassa.






Dal 30 giugno in tour insieme in versione power trio

Dopo i concerti che terranno con Vasco Rossi all’Olimpico, Burns, Golinelli e Hunt saranno in tour insieme, da fine giugno, in versione power trio. Un’occasione unica per vederli in questa inedita formazione. 
Cresciuti con i suoni incandescenti di Jimi Hendrix, Alice Cooper, Jeff Beck e altri mostri sacri del rock che hanno segnato la storia musicale degli ultimi 50 anni, i tre musicisti hanno deciso di portare sul palco insieme uno show potente e trascinante.



Vinnie Colaiuta returns to Gretsch

Vinnie Colaiuta Comes Home To Gretsch Drums


Debuts Redesigned USA Custom Kit with DW Hardware on Upcoming Sting/Peter Gabriel “Rock Paper Scissors” Tour

Drumming legend Vinnie Colaiuta has signed on as an official endorser of Gretsch Drums. One of the world’s most respected drummers, Colaiuta is best known for his seminal recordings and performances with Frank Zappa and Sting.
