Paiste 22RUDEPowerRide-TheReign

Dave Lombardo – RUDE Power Ride – The Reign

Dave Lombardo RUDE Power Ride – The Reign

Paiste 22RUDEPowerRide-TheReign

La Paiste, nota azienda produttrice di piatti, annuncia il lancio del nuovo 22″ RUDE Power Ride «The Reign».
Dave Lombardo è il pioniere dello speed metal drumming. All’inizio degli anni ’80 ha drasticamente alzato il livello del batterismo metal grazie alla sua velocità e aggressività applicata al progetto con Slayer. L’album “Reign In Blood» ha raggiunto lo status di cult, anche grazie alla doppia cassa di Dave.


DW-Collectors DarkTobacco

Il fallimento delle batterie DW Collectors.

Il fallimento delle batterie DW Collectors

DW-Collectors DarkTobacco

Con l’inizio della produzione delle batterie della serie Collector la DW ha voluto enfatizzare la sua continua ricerca nel migliorare il suono dei suoi fusti. Un aspetto, questo nella produzione di batterie, che sta a cuore a tutte le aziende importanti di settore e dove vengono investite molte risorse in termini economici e di personale ingegneristico e dove sono stati creati reparti specializzati pagati al solo scopo di trovare soluzioni innovative e funzionali alla qualità dello strumento.


Gretsch RenownWalnut

Gretsch Intorduces Renown Walnut

Open up and say Boom!

Gretsch RenownWalnut

Introducing Renown Walnut, Gretsch’s new line designed for the experienced player who is looking for a differentiated kit that delivers deep, rich tones with clear attack. After Renown’s successful 2013 reintroduction, Gretsch wanted to make more sonic options available for more players. Renown Walnut, with its resonant low end and bright, smooth upper register, does just that.


LP Collect-A-Bells

LP Launches Collect-A-Bells Series

LP Launches Collect-A-Bells Series
Standout Graphics Combine With LP’s Vibrant Cowbell Sound

LP Collect-A-Bells

I need MORE COWBELL! Express your distinctive style with LP’s new Collect-A-Bell series! This fall LP introduces seven unique cowbells featuring intense, eye-catching graphic designs and attention-grabbing colors— from Zombie Green to Zebra Purple and several shades in between. These 5-inch, mountable LP Black Beauty Cowbells add a new level of individuality to your drum set, percussion rig or, with their low MSRP of $47 each, display cabinet.



LP Introduces The Cajon Accessory Pack

LP Introduces The Cajon Accessory Pack
Popular Cajon Accessories Now Available In One Bundle


LP has taken their three most popular cajon accessories—The Cajon Throne, Foot Tambourine and Small Cajon Castanet—and packaged them as one grab-and-go item: The LP Cajon Accessory Pack. An incredible value, players get three favorite cajon add-ons together for an MSRP of $60.99.






Innovative cymbal-maker SABIAN has announced a special one-time-only sales event to mark the end of a very successful run of Cymbal Vote. For 3 consecutive years, Cymbal Vote allowed drummers from around the world to choose the cymbal-maker’s product offering. With only 12 models advancing to become winners, that left approximately 24 others without enough votes to go into regular production – like the Chris Dave 18” AA Sick Hats and the 21” HHX Smoky Ride.


LorisLombardo HandPan2



LorisLombardo HandPan2

Sempre più persone, ogni giorno, vengono a conoscenza dell’esistenza di questo meraviglioso strumento, e molte sono le domande che le stesse si pongono relative alla sua provenienza: risale all’antichità? È di derivazione orientale?


Mapex MyD5 dsh ge

Mapex adds SONIClear Bearing edge to the MyDentity Line

Mapex adds SONIClear Bearing edge to the MyDentity Line, and Launches a New MyDentity “PLAYMORE” Promotion.

Mapex MyD5 dsh ge

The Mapex Drum Company turned the custom drum world upside down when it introduced MyDentity drum line 2 years ago, and now Mapex is doing it again. Starting on July 1st, 2014, MyDentity Custom drums will be available with the award-winning SONIClear™ bearing edge, designed to help drummers tune less and play more. To kick off this exciting design change, Mapex will run a MyDentity promotion from July 1st through August 31st during which time Mapex will be upgrading the heads to Remo USA-made drumheads. All of these UPGRADES are free during the PLAYMORE promotion period.
