The History of American drums is a collection curated by Rebeats and Rob Cook specialized in the history of the great American drum companies and the personalities that helped define them. Hudson Music is excited to announce these books are now available exclusively in digital format through our Hudson Music Digital Bookstore.
The Ludwig Book
The Ludwig Book
The Ludwig Book is a
business history of the Ludwig family drum business(es) which can also be
used as a guide to identify many of the products they produced.
The Slingerland Book is A
complete history of the Slingerland Drum Company.
With detailed
chapters on the family, the Boston background, the company through the
decades, Slingerland endorsees and personnel, the Gretsch/HSS era,
Gibson’s acquisition, and much more.
The book features
a detailed dating guide classic ads and catalog pages and lots of stunning
full-color and B&W photos throughout.
The complete history of the Rogers Drum Company, whose drums,
in the words of Not-So-Modern
Drummer editor John Aldridge, were “the Cadillac of the
1960s…(whose) innovations in hardware design have been copied by almost every
drum manufacturer in existence.”
It includes a list
of Rogers endorsees, a comprehensive guide for dating equipment, a color
section showing old catalogs and drum colors, the parts listings from all
Rogers catalogs, a list of current resources, and lots of photographs
The Gretsch Drum Book is a
complete business history of the Gretsch Drum Company and dating guide for
Gretsch drums.
Includes a history
of Gretsch artist relations includes an alphabetic list of every Gretsch drum
endorser from 1936 to 2012 with photos of over 200 of them.
The dating guide
illustrates every catalog, color, badge, snare drum, drum kit, and hardware
item catalogued through the 130-year history of Gretsch drums.
History of American drums – The Making of a Drum Company
The Making of a Drum
Autobiography of William F. Ludwig II. His whole story in his own words, from childhood
recollections through teen years as a rudimental drum champion, wartime
service, and the glory years of Ludwig.
The Leedy Way examines
lives of U.G. Leedy and George Way are detailed in this book which also
explains the structure of their enterprises. This book places in context
not only Leedy Manufacturing, Inc. and George Way Drums, Inc., but also
Advance Drum Company, C.G. Conn Ltd., General Products (L&S Drums), Leedy
& Ludwig Drums, Camco Drum Company, and GHW, Inc.
History of American drums – Best Seat in the House
Best Seat in the House
Seat in the House is a hard rock memoir – essentially an authorized
bio on the endearing British rock band Humble Pie – as told from the drum
throne and backstage hallways during the emerging days of the Seventies
classic rock era.
La collana Trinity Rock & Pop 2018 Drums è molto più di un semplice corso di batteria. È un viaggio musicale che ti permette di suonare la musica che ami, migliorare le tue abilità e ottenere certificazioni riconosciute. Se vuoi spingere i tuoi limiti e portare la tua passione per la batteria a un livello superiore, questa collana rappresenta il perfetto equilibrio tra divertimento, apprendimento e crescita professionale.
Il terzo album di Alessio Porqueddu, "Visionary", è un'opera che mette in mostra una straordinaria maturazione artistica e personale del talentuoso batterista sardo. La collaborazione con Daniele Barbato alle tastiere è palpabile, infondendo al lavoro una ricchezza armonica e melodica che riflette la vasta esperienza musicale di entrambi gli artisti.
Drumming in Flow di Ray Levier è un'opera innovativa che promette di rivoluzionare l'approccio di ogni batterista alla pratica e alla performance. Questo metodo non si limita a migliorare la tecnica e l'esecuzione, ma si spinge oltre, integrando un focus sulla respirazione per portare il musicista in una zona di rilassamento, concentrazione e prestazioni di picco.
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