Rinviata Musikmesse

In seguito all’aumentata diffusione del Coronavirus covid-19 in Europa e alle derivanti restrizioni sui viaggi, Messe Frankfurt ha deciso di rimandare l’appuntamento con Musikmesse.
Le nuove date per la 40ma edizione verranno annunciate prossimamente.
Anche il Prolight + Sound 2020, in contemporanea con Musikmesse, è stato posticipato con le nuove date previste per il 26-29 maggio. Al momento della stesura di questo documento, però, non è stata confermata nessuna data per il Musikmesse.
Ad oggi tutti gli eventi Musikmesse Plaza e Musikmesse Festival si terranno regolarmente.
Di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale.
Musikmesse 2020 postponed / the regional events ‘Musikmesse Plaza’ and ‘Musikmesse Festival’ to go ahead as planned
Given the increasing spread of Covid-19 in Europe, Messe Frankfurt has decided to postpone Musikmesse 2020. The health of exhibitors, visitors, contractors and employees has top priority for Messe Frankfurt. The new dates will be announced in the near future. Visitor admission tickets continue to be valid.
From the current perspective, the ‘Musikmesse Plaza’ pop-up market (3 and 4 April) and the ‘Musikmesse Festival’ (31 March to 4 April 2020) can take place as planned. These events are aimed primarily at a regional audience from the greater Frankfurt area.
The ongoing spread of Covid-19 in Europe called for a reassessment of the situation in close cooperation with the public-health authorities in Frankfurt who require that steps be taken to prevent event participants from high-risk regions coming to Frankfurt and visiting the fair when ill. Given that these participants could also be infected by Covid-19, it is necessary to conduct a health check to prevent the infection spreading even further. This is an important part of the infectiological risk assessment. Messe Frankfurt is not able to implement such measures. Additional factors behind the decision include the growing number of travel restrictions, which will make it difficult for many potential visitors and exhibitors to get to Frankfurt.
“The current situation represents a major challenge for fair and exhibition companies from all over the world. We regret that the 40th anniversary edition of Musikmesse cannot open its doors from 1 to 4 April. However, we are looking forward to some great concerts for fans from the region at Musikmesse Festival, which will be held at a variety of venues throughout Frankfurt. Additionally, we continue to extend our invitation to music lovers to visit the ‘Musikmesse Plaza’, where they can not only see and buy instruments, recordings and lifestyle products but also take part in numerous events”, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt GmbH.
The latest information can be found on the internet at www.musikmesse.com.