NIRVANNA in tour con Will Hunt

I NIRVANNA, band tributo ai Nirvana #1 in America, arrivano in Italia a marzo per un viaggio di una dozzina di tappe che faranno rivivere gli indimenticabili anni del grunge. Si esibiscono da tempo con successo in tutti gli Stati Uniti e partecipano a festival al fianco di celebri artisti un po’ ovunque. Nessuno meglio dei NIRVANNA trasmette l’emozione e l’energia delle canzoni di Kurt Cobain e compagni.


Although it’s only been about a year since SABIAN launched XSR, 3 key new models have already been added to the line. 17” & 19” XSR Fast Crashes and a 22” XSR Ride are professional level B20 cast cymbals incorporating many of the same processes that have made HHX Evolution and AAX X-Plosion cymbals perennial best-sellers for SABIAN.


SABIAN introduces the Tollspire Chimes – a set of 5 conically-shaped micro-splashes, sized in quarter-inch increments from 4.75″ to 5.75″. Crafted from SABIAN B20 Bronze, they are rolled and tempered from splashthickness blanks, then formed into a cupless, conical shape. The result is a compelling combination of chime, bell and splash, offering melodic sounds that will appeal to a super-wide range of players – from prog rock to drum-corp and marching.

Chris Coleman – the man

Chris Coleman has performed in Europe (we have met him in Rome, Italy) demonstrating his huge technique and extreme musicality. In this first part of the long interview Chris talks about the clinic and how seriously he takes his teaching part of life. In this second part of the interview Chris talks about his life, hobbies and personal interests.