The Ultimate Left Hand System by Larry Crockett

Larry Crokett è un batterista francese che vanta collaborazioni internazionali nell’ ambito del funky soul, e alcune collaborazioni pop come Elton John. 
Il suo terzo libro è incentrato tutto sullo sviluppo del lato sinistro per i destri, chiaramente il contrario per i mancini.

La base della sua teoria è quella di mettere sotto pressione l’arto sinistro con una serie progressiva di esercizi da fare utilizzando sempre un ostinato di cassa in quattro, oppure lasciando ad ognuno la fantasia di cambiare, partendo da semplici letture in quarti fino alle più complicate suddivisioni, immettendo poi accenti, pause, cambiando le dinamiche, etc. etc. 

Per se stesso il libro non è una novità assoluta in questo campo, ma è interessante per la varietà di letture ed interpretazioni che Crockett suggerisce nel percorso . 

Insomma, un libro che non toglie nulla, ma che non aggiunge nemmeno molto. Un ottimo esercizio. sticks.crockett

Welcome to The Ultimate Left Hand System.
In order to realize your highest technical potential on the drums, both hands need to be independently strong and equal in ability. And to simply play a few exercises where the left hand mimmicks the right hand is not the most efficient way to achieve this. What is needed is 100% focus and attention completely on the left hand. By the fact that you are reading this suggests that you recognize the need for specialized attention of your left hand as well. 

You have come to the right place because this is the sole objective of this book. This book demands your left hand to work out like it’s never ever been demanded to work before. There is no way to rely on the right hand for momentum or help. Here you get to see exactly the state of your left hand. And most importantly you can properly give it the attention and training that it so desperately needs. This will build up your control, precision and power in your left hand. Then when you do bring both hands together, you will have equal and very impressive ability. 

This book also leads to better coordination between your right foot and left hand. It opens the door to infinite creative possibilities that begin by your left hand leading in fills or on the hi hat or ride cymbal, in grooves. However the number one mission of this book is to increase the ability of “Your Left hand” dramatically by focusing exclusively on your left hand. 

The biggest reason your left hand has much less strength, control or accuracy is because of the imbalance of use and demand. Simply put, we don’t use or demand of our left hand in our drumming very much. Therefore it is less developed. Although this is a rather large book, it serves a purpose. It gives a lot of needed attention to your left hand. The goal in studying this book isn’t to simply finish it as quickly as possible. Take your time and notice your weekly advancements. The more time you put in, the more benefits you will see. 

I am very excited for you because I know how much better your overall drumming will be when your left hand is more developed. And I am very confident that these exercises will help you, as much as they haved helped me and my students. 

Please read the instructions on how to benefit the most from this book. They are written to help you to maximum your time and effort. 

This book can also help left handed drummers improve their right hand by simply applying all the exercises to your right hand. 

Enjoy and GO FOR IT!! 